So I am now back in Australia, in fact I have been for 6 months now, but I will talk about that at a later point. Unfortunately at the end of my exchange things were so hectic with Christmas, my birthday, getting ready to leave and cramming as much as I could into the last weeks that I barely had time to take a breath let alone write my blog.
I am going to change this.
Those of you that know me have already heard so many of my stories (and frankly I wouldn't be surprised if you were sick of them); however, I am going to continue my entries for myself and those of you whom I don't know personally or haven't had the chance to catch up with yet. There may be a few changes to how things have gone before, such as a few less specific memories and the added bonus of hindsight. In some ways it is a fresh start and put a new life into this blog. I am hoping to get a post up in the next few days about the arrival of the Christmas season, followed by the trip I took to Lapland and then we will see where we go from there. I hope you guys enjoy reading what is to come as much as I will enjoy writing it.
Ana x