Saturday, December 17, 2011

The time comes again...

Unfortunately the time came for mne to pack my things and move on to my next family, unfortunate as I had to move from my current family who I have gotten to know so well and have many memories with but then also excitement as to what my life in a new family will bring.

My last day included a 2 hour early mark from school so that I could go ice-skating with my host dad as it was something we had planned to do for a while, then my host mum and sister came to watch when they finished work/school.

being Australian I don't have the ability to go ice skating so often but I am getting the hang of it...

until I get sin binned ahaha!

TIme seved it was time to get back on the ice

and score the winning goal!!!

... in my head I am a professional ;)

We then had sauna and relaxing time (a lot of candles lit everywhere vs lights) before a dinner of mexican food (yum!), we then sat and talked around the dinner table for about and hour and finished the night with a good ol' Aussie film - Crocodile Dundee.

A great last night.

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