Monday, August 29, 2011

Eurotour 2011 - Austria & Germany

Left our hotel and headed for Austria, we had a brief stop in Innsbruck, where parts of The Sound of Music are and also to be the host of Olympics.

what am I supposed to call it then??

In Innsbruck, able to take a carriage ride of the city

Because, of course, I thought there would be...

Left Austria behind then headed into Germany where we stopped in a small town for our lunch, you know you are in Southern Germany when there is a guy walking around in lederhosen.


We enjoyed (food formerly referred to as..) schnitzel whilst listening to a guy in lederhosen (possibly guy from picture above) play an accordian and yodel and two boys maybe around 9 and 12 performing traditional German folk dancing. We then headed to Berlin where we were to be staying that night.

The next day we went to the War Museum where there was a lot of information on World War 2, a lot of facts I didn't know before I came here either. THen we went on a bus tour of the city.

'Why dontcha go fishing or play a game of croquet or something?'

Berlin by night

famous pedestrian lights of Berlin - red

famous pedestrian lights of Berlin - green

Part of the Berlin wall

The Berlin wall

Berlin Wall

We then left Berlin and headed for the harbour from where our boat back to Finland would depart...

Spent a whole day on the boat spending time with all the other exchange students, especially those whose year was drawing to an end and I don't know if/when I will see them again


Mocktail - 'the exchange student'

It is hard to beieve how quickly the last 19 days went but the memories will be with me forever

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